How a Wrongful Death Lawyer Can Help You
The death of a loved one can leave an enormous gap in your life. A wrongful death lawyer can help fill that gap by helping you pursue compensation from those responsible for your loss.
Wrongful deaths can occur in many ways, including car accidents, medical malpractice, and workplace accidents. While no amount of money can bring back your loved one, a wrongful death lawsuit can provide the financial compensation you need to pay for funeral expenses, lost wages, loss of companionship and more.
A skilled wrongful death attorney will examine your case, gather evidence and investigate the incident in which your family member died. They will then take all the facts into consideration to calculate a fair amount of compensation for your losses. They will then negotiate a settlement with the at-fault party to settle the claim. If an agreement cannot be reached, the lawyer will prepare for trial to let a jury decide the outcome of your case.
In a wrongful death case, it is important to prove negligence. Negligence is defined as failing to use the level of care that a reasonable and prudent person would have used in the same circumstances. For example, if your relative was killed in a fatal car accident, your lawyer will review the police report and talk to eyewitnesses. They may also check if there were any nearby surveillance cameras that recorded the crash. They will also assess if the other driver was driving recklessly or violating traffic laws.
It is also necessary to show that the negligent behavior contributed directly to your family member’s death. For example, if your loved one was killed while walking across the road, you could sue for wrongful death if it is found that another driver ran a red light and hit them. This would be considered negligent behavior because the other driver was not paying attention to their surroundings and thus did not see your relative crossing the road.
Wrongful death monetary damages include funeral and memorial costs, lost wages, property loss, pain and suffering, and more. The amount of damages can be determined by evaluating the deceased’s age, health, life expectancy, and earning potential. The court can also award punitive damages to punish the defendants and to serve as a deterrent for others who might engage in similar actions.
Besides compensating you for your financial losses, a wrongful death lawsuit can hold the at-fault parties accountable. If the case goes to trial, the jury will decide whether or not you should receive compensation and how much you should receive.
Although nothing can replace the loss of your loved one, the attorneys at Frekhtman & Associates will do everything they can to help you secure your financial future. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. The New York City wrongful death lawyers at Frekhtman & Associates are committed to helping their clients receive the maximum possible compensation for their injuries. Call us at (866) ATTY-LAW to get started.